Why Dental Botox Could Benefit Your Lifestyle

Botox is known worldwide as a cosmetic procedure that dulls the nerves to smooth out wrinkles on the skin. Dental Botox is gaining popularity for its unique ability to treat pain and other oral issues.

The expert team at Bayshore Gardens Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of Bradenton, FL, is proud to serve the community with specialized dental care services, including dental Botox, which helps to improve your health and confidence.

What is Dental Botox?

Only a few specialists can administer dental Botox and use it effectively. Dental Botox is a highly specialized substance that needs to be administered by a trained professional for oral care issues. The applications can be purely cosmetic, but they are also used to address oral care issues that reduce pain and increase comfort.

What are the Benefits of Dental Botox?

Other than the cosmetic benefits of Botox that are widely understood, here are some common benefits that can improve your lifestyle:

Stops Issues with Your TMJ

Your TMJ is the joint that helps you open and close your mouth for speaking, chewing, and singing. TMJ disorders are common, and dental Botox can alleviate TMJ pain, which may stop associated headaches and migraines and increase your range of motion.

Treats Bruxism

Grinding your teeth (Bruxism) wears them down. The therapeutic properties of dental Botox relax the jaw, which reduces or stops the effects of bruxism.

Improves Appearance and Function

When dental Botox is administered to your facial muscles, it not only smooths out deep lines around the mouth but can also help with asymmetry and gummy smiles.

Your Local Quality Dental Care Provider

Dental Botox has many benefits that contribute to a happier and healthier lifestyle. During your next appointment with the proficient team at Bayshore Gardens Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of Bradenton, FL, you can confidently expect the best care and guidance you and your family deserve.

Is Nitrous Oxide Safe for Me?

If you are trying to reduce dentistry pain and anxiety, consider nitrous oxide in Bradenton, Florida. Here at Bayshore Gardens Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we offer laughing gas or nitrous oxide for patients.

During dental treatments, such as root canals and bridges, which can be painful, nitrous oxide is often the best option. Learn more about nitrous oxide to decide if this is the right treatment for you or your family member.

What is Nitrous Oxide

A type of gas, nitrous oxide, is a treatment provided orally for patients in dental care. The use of nitrous oxide is safe and effective for patients who need help relaxing during long or tedious treatments.

Nitrous oxide is also called laughing gas for the way patients sometimes behave when using the gas, and it is approved by the American Dental Association. Children can use nitrous oxide safely as part of gentle dentistry.

Why Use Nitrous Oxide in Bradenton, FL

Patients who are undergoing dental work can often experience pain, stress, or anxiety caused by the oral procedure. For example, if you are getting a dental crown or bridgework, you may suffer from intense pain and distress during the procedure.

Using nitrous oxide allows you as a dental patient not to feel as much dental pain or anxiety while in the dental chair. You are still awake and alert for the most part, unlike with anesthesia, which can be safer for patients.

Choose Nitrous Oxide for Gentle Dentistry in FL

Start your dental treatments using nitrous oxide for more gentle dentistry care in FL. Our dentist at Bayshore Gardens Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, Dr. Shepherd Frenchman, has 20-plus years of experience in dentistry.

Contact our dentist in Bradenton at 941-755-6477 to schedule your appointment. We offer nitrous oxide as a safe and effective solution for family and cosmetic dentistry treatments. Dr.