What is Periodontal Treatment?

Periodontitis, or gum disease, is a common problem among people of all ages. The good news is that it may be reversible in the early stages. While late-stage periodontitis is not reversible, Dr. Shepherd Frenchman offers several types of periodontal treatment in Bradenton, FL.

How Dr. Frenchman Determines the Severity of Your Periodontal Disease

If you have bleeding gums, gums pulling away from your teeth, inflamed gums, or another common sign of gum disease, please contact us for an appointment right away. Dr. Frenchman will inquire about your medical history and complete an exam. Smoking and/or taking certain medications that cause dry mouth can worsen symptoms, so be sure to let him know if these situations affect you.

During the examination part of your appointment, Dr. Frenchman looks for plaque and tartar buildup and checks to see if your gums are susceptible to easy bleeding. The next step is for him to determine the depth of the pockets between your teeth and gums with a small handheld instrument called a dental probe. If the pockets measure more than four millimeters, you may have periodontitis, the advanced form of gum disease. He also takes X-rays to see if you have any bone deterioration.

Treatment for Periodontal Disease

Dr. Frenchman takes a conservative approach to treating gum disease unless he feels immediate surgical intervention is necessary. Most patients take antibiotics and have deep cleaning performed, which includes two procedures known as scaling and root planing. We typically treat one-quarter of your mouth at a time to avoid causing you too much discomfort.

Surgical interventions may include soft tissue grafts, bone grafting, guided tissue regeneration, flap surgery, or tissue-stimulating proteins. We will explain each of these procedures in more detail during your consultation. Please contact us to set up periodontal treatment in Bradenton, FL.

Nervous About Nitrous Oxide? What to Know

If you get nervous about visiting thedentist in Bradenton, FL, then you may benefit from sedation dentistry. Nitrous oxide is the lowest level of sedation dentistry and is what most people get when they have dental anxiety.

Nitrous oxide can make going to the dentist far less stressful and more productive, especially if your dental anxiety prevents you from sitting still in the dental chair while the dentist cleans your teeth. If you have questions about nitrous oxide, we have answers. This is what you need to know.

What is nitrous oxide?

Nitrous oxide is a form of sedation dentistry that is fast-acting and effective in helping patients manage moderate levels of dental anxiety. Nitrous oxide is delivered to the patient through a mask they wear on their nose. Breathing through the mask, the patient will experience feelings of euphoria and calm while the dentist does their work.

How long does nitrous oxide last?

Nitrous oxide only lasts a few minutes, and as soon as the nitrous oxide is turned off, it starts to work its way out of the body. You’ll be ready to leave within a few minutes and can drive yourself home.

Who needs nitrous oxide for their dental appointments?

You can benefit from the use of nitrous oxide if you have dental anxiety that prevents you from making dental appointments. You can also benefit from nitrous oxide if you have an upcoming dental appointment that might be uncomfortable or long. Your dentist at Bayshore Gardens Family & Cosmetic Dentistry – Bradenton may talk to you about sedation dentistry in Bradenton, FL. If not, ask your dentist if this type of service would be right for you.

History of Toothbrushes

Bayshore Gardens Family & Cosmetic Dentistry – Bradenton

History of Toothbrushes

A Brief History of Toothbrushes: Did you know that toothbrushes date back to ancient civilizations? Early versions were made from twigs and frayed ends to clean teeth! In the 15th century, China introduced bristled toothbrushes made from boar hair. Fast forward to 1938, when nylon-bristle toothbrushes were invented! Today, we enjoy an array of toothbrush styles and designs for optimal oral care. Let’s celebrate the evolution of toothbrushes and keep those smiles shining bright!


Embrace Wellness Month with Healthy Smiles!

Bayshore Gardens Family & Cosmetic Dentistry – Bradenton

Embrace Wellness Month with Healthy Smiles! August is National Wellness Month, and we’re all about promoting overall well-being, starting with your dental health! Good oral health is an essential part of your overall wellness journey. Remember to brush and floss daily, maintain regular dental check-ups, and keep up with healthy habits that brighten your smile. If you have any dental questions or need to schedule an appointment, our caring team is here to support your wellness goals.

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What To Ask About During an Initial Consultation

Bayshore Gardens Family & Cosmetic Dentistry – Bradenton

Our dentist’s experience and credentials, treatments we offer, how we handle emergencies, payment options, insurance coverage, personalized oral care advice and preventive measures, and any concerns or dental issues you have.

Is Mouth Tape Really Beneficial?

Bayshore Gardens Family & Cosmetic Dentistry – Bradenton

Is Mouth Tape Really Beneficial?

Mouth taping has become increasingly popular in the holistic health space for reducing the negative effects of mouth breathing, such as ADHD symptoms, dry mouth, cavities, gum disease, and decreased cognitive ability. But does it really work? According to the Sleep Foundation, there have only been a couple of small scientific experiments studying the benefits. One study found that people with mild obstructive sleep apnea snored less and had fewer instances of lapsed breathing when using mouth tape.


Reasons to Visit Dentist During Pregnancy

Bayshore Gardens Family & Cosmetic Dentistry – Bradenton

Reasons to Visit Dentist During Pregnancy

Did you know that hormonal changes during pregnancy can increase a woman’s risk of developing periodontal disease? When possible, it’s important to schedule a dental cleaning and exam appointment before getting pregnant to ensure optimal oral health. Preventive treatments during pregnancy are safe but may be difficult during the third trimester. Dental X-rays and elective or cosmetic dental procedures should be postponed until after birth. Questions? Contact our friendly dental team today!


Different Types of Cracked Teeth

Bayshore Gardens Family & Cosmetic Dentistry – Bradenton

Different Types of Cracked Teeth

Here are the 5 types of cracked teeth:

A. Craze lines- small, superficial cracks that usually don’t require treatment.
B. Fractured cusps- a piece of the tooth breaks off, but the root remains intact.
C. Cracked teeth- a visible crack that can extend below the gum line and may require a crown or root canal.
D. Split roots- when the tooth splits vertically and may require extraction.
E. Vertical root fractures- occur in the root and can be difficult to diagnose and treat.

Each crack is unique and requires unique treatment from an experienced and trusted dentist. Don’t put off treatment if you have a cracked tooth! Call our dental team today!


Father’s Day

Bayshore Gardens Family & Cosmetic Dentistry – Bradenton

Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day! It’s no secret that dads play a special role in their children’s lives. Bear hugs, backyard soccer games, piggyback rides, and teaching their kids about health and hygiene are just a few ways dads love their children. When it comes to dental health, children often copy their parents’ hygiene routines. So, if you’re brushing twice a day and flossing daily, you could be why your child reaches adulthood without cavities or gum disease!


How Have Dentures Improved?

Bayshore Gardens Family & Cosmetic Dentistry – Bradenton

How Have Dentures Improved?

Today’s dentures are a far cry from the dentures your grandparents wore. Modern dental technology has helped dentures evolve, so those who need them have a more comfortable experience and gain confidence instead of losing it. Changes to the denture gum tissue and teeth make them appear more lifelike than ever before, and thanks to digital dentistry, we obtain more accurate measurements to create dentures that feel natural. Patients today also have the option of anchoring their dentures in place.